Application A1289 - Food derived from disease-resistant, low-reducing sugars and reduced browning potato line BG25

Closed 29 Aug 2024

Opened 18 Jul 2024


FSANZ has assessed an application made by SPS, International Inc. to amend the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code to permit the sale and use of food derived from a new food produced using gene technology: potato line BG25. This potato line has been genetically modified to have disease-resistance, low-reducing sugars and reduced browning. A draft food regulatory measure has been prepared. 

FSANZ has provided public notification and now welcomes your submission to assist consideration of the draft food regulatory measure. 

Consultation papers and application

The consultation documents and application are provided below. Please read these documents before preparing your submission. 

Why your views matter

FSANZ invites and welcomes public and stakeholder input into standard setting processes. Your views will help us ensure food standards continue to protect public health and safety while supporting an effective, transparent and accountable regulatory framework for industry and food authorities.

How to make a submission

The Consultation Hub is FSANZ's platform for public consultation. We have set up an online survey response form to assist you in completing your submission. Please refer to the consultation documents in preparing your submission. Once you begin, you can save your progress and complete your submission before the consultation closes on 29 August 2024 6pm AEST.

For information on how FSANZ manages personal information when you make a submission, see FSANZ’s Privacy Policy. 

What happens next

Consultation on Application A1289 - Food derived from disease-resistant, low-reducing sugars and reduced browning potato line BG25 has closed. Submissions received will now be considered as part of the assessment process.


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