Call for information: Nutrition Labelling - Health Star Rating and Nutrition Information Panel

Closes 17 Jan 2025

How to provide your response

This online survey response form allows you to submit a response to the call for information: Nutrition Labelling - Health Star Rating and Nutrition Information Panel.

The survey response form includes four sections.
  • About you: we will ask you for your name, contact details, and information about the organisation you represent (if any). 
  • Your response: you can provide your information and any evidence by responding to the options and prompts as you work through this section.
  • Confidential information: you have the opportunity to provide confidential information to support your response (if any). 
  • Feedback: the questions on this page seek your feedback on your experience using this platform to provide your response.

Some questions in this survey response form are marked as 'required', and must be completed before you can progress. 

You can save your progress and return later to complete your response. If you save your progress, you will receive an email with a unique response ID and a link to return to the form.  

Publishing a summary of what we've heard and consent to collect personal information

A summary of what we've heard will be published on the FSANZ website after the call for information closes. We will consider information from your response in preparing the summary unless you provide appropriate reasons for us to consider information in your response to be confidential. 

Personal details will not be published (e.g. individual names, direct phone numbers, personal email addresses or addresses of private individuals). For information on how FSANZ manages personal information when you provide your response, see FSANZ's privacy policy.

About confidential information

Under section 114 of the Food Standards Australia New Zealand Act 1991, some information provided to FSANZ cannot be disclosed. We are required to treat information as confidential if it identifies trade secrets relating to food and any other information relating to food, the commercial value of which would be or could reasonably be expected to be destroyed or diminished by disclosure. 

In the "Confidential Information" section, you will be asked if you have any confidential information you wish to provide. Note that you can request that any part of your response be considered confidential, and you must provide justification for why the information meets the criteria for confidential information. 

If FSANZ does not agree that the information you have requested to be confidential meets the criteria for confidential information, you will be given an opportunity to withdraw your response.